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Gain visibility, raise awareness and seize new opportunities

Your support for SAM-E will help raise awareness of environmental issues and encourage positive initiatives in this field.

Some of our partners at SAM-E

The benefits of being a Sponsor

There are many good reasons to become a Sponsor of the Salon Africain de la Mobilité Écologique et des Technologies Vertes Innovantes (SAM-E).

Visibility and Networking

Participating in SAM-E as an exhibitor gives you a showcase to present your products, services or innovations to a targeted audience. This is your chance to meet industry professionals, potential partners, investors and customers interested in eco-mobility and green technologies.

Business opportunities

SAM-E aims to be an ideal platform for generating business opportunities, concluding contracts, finding new customers and establishing strategic partnerships. You can present your offers in an interactive and convincing way.

Sharing knowledge

By exhibiting at SAM-E, you have the opportunity to organize presentations, workshops or conferences to share your knowledge and expertise. This strengthens your position as a key player in ecological mobility and green technologies.

Competitive intelligence and market trends

By participating as an exhibitor at SAM-E, you can observe emerging trends, competing innovations and technological advances. This enables you to keep abreast of market developments and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Credibility and recognition

Being an exhibitor at SAM-E strengthens your credibility and recognition in the field of environmental protection and sustainable mobility. This can boost potential customers’ confidence in your products or services.

Access to decision-makers and influencers

SAM-E is expected to attract decision-makers, politicians, experts and industry influencers. It’s a unique opportunity to make contact with key people who can drive change or influence policy in the field of sustainable mobility.

Under the patronage of


Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition of the State of Côte d’Ivoire.

On the eve of this pioneering event, I would like to express my fervent support for the first edition of the African Fair for Ecological Mobility and Innovative Green Technologies.

It’s an initiative that reflects our collective commitment to a sustainable future, and is a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of our continent.

I’m convinced that this show will be the catalyst for a significant ecological transformation, and I wish all the participants every success.

Contact us

An Ecological Mobility Fair in Africa is a unique event of its kind, held for the very first time on the African continent.

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Get in touch with us

SAM-E General Commissariat :



If you have a question about our programs, please send an e-mail to the SAM-E teams:

Enregistrez-vous en tant qu'exposant au SAM-E

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Enregistrez-vous pour participer au SAM-E

Veuillez remplir le formulaire afin de recevoir les offres techniques et commerciales pour participer au SAM-E.

Register to take part in SAM-E

Please fill in the form to receive technical and commercial offers to take part in SAM-E.

Register as an exhibitor at SAM-E

Please fill in the form to receive technical and commercial offers to take part in SAM-E.

Register as a SAM-E Partner

Please fill in the form to receive technical and commercial offers to take part in SAM-E.

Register as a SAM-E Sponsor

Please fill in the form to receive technical and commercial offers to take part in SAM-E.