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African Trade Fair for Ecological Mobility and Innovative Green Technologies (SAM-E)

Take part in the first edition of SAM-E from May 30 to June 1ᵉʳ, 2024 in Abidjan. Sponsors, Partners, add your image to this event

and other sponsors and partners have associated their image with this event.

This unique event in Africa is a platform for innovators, thinkers and opinion leaders, including car manufacturers (VFE, VE, etc.) to present revolutionary ecological solutions. SAM-E is the ideal place to network, learn and collaborate for a more sustainable future.

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Under the patronage of


Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition of the State of Côte d’Ivoire.

On the eve of this pioneering event, I would like to express my fervent support for the first edition of the African Fair for Ecological Mobility and Innovative Green Technologies.

It’s an initiative that reflects our collective commitment to a sustainable future, and is a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of our continent.

I’m convinced that this show will be the catalyst for a significant ecological transformation, and I wish all the participants every success.


Become a partner

Contribute to the success of this pioneering event and benefit from exceptional visibility with key industry leaders and decision-makers. Join us in this lasting adventure.

I would like to become a partner


Become a Sponsor

Contribute to the success of this pioneering event and benefit from exceptional visibility with key industry leaders and decision-makers. Join us in this lasting adventure.

I would like to become a Sponsor

Take part in Africa's largest trade fair for ecological mobility and green technologies

An Ecological Mobility Fair in Africa is a unique event of its kind, held for the very first time on the African continent in a global context of energy crisis and climate catastrophes.





Round tables


SAM-E is proudly supported by the following sponsors and partners


Ministère de la santé


Contribute to the success of this pioneering event and benefit from exceptional visibility with key industry leaders and decision-makers. Join us in this lasting adventure.


Palais de la culture Abidjan

Palais de la culture abidjan Same

Join a community of experts at this first edition of SAM-E

May 30 to June 1ᵉʳ, 2024

Event in :


Enregistrez-vous pour participer au SAM-E

Veuillez remplir le formulaire afin de recevoir les offres techniques et commerciales pour participer au SAM-E.

Register to take part in SAM-E

Please fill in the form to receive technical and commercial offers to take part in SAM-E.

Register as a SAM-E Partner

Please fill in the form to receive technical and commercial offers to take part in SAM-E.

Register as a SAM-E Sponsor

Please fill in the form to receive technical and commercial offers to take part in SAM-E.

Register as an exhibitor at SAM-E

Please fill in the form to receive technical and commercial offers to take part in SAM-E.